Last summer, my student leaders & I read and discussed the book, Help! I'm a Student Leader by Doug Fields. Using the questions below, we had some incredibly powerful discussions about leadership and faith.
Questions about Ch. 8 of Help! I'm a Student Leader:
1. Doug asks his student leaders to “pray for their schools on a regular basis”. (117) How often do you pray for your school? What prevents you from praying regularly for your school?
(a) (Divide students into groups based on the school they attend) What issues are facing your school? Record these on your index cards. (Then reconvene the group & pray for the schools represented.)
2. According to Doug, “prayer makes a difference in the lives of Christians.” (118) Do you agree or disagree? Why?
(a) (Partners) How has prayer made a difference in your life?
3. Doug encourages you to “see your campus as a mission field.” (118) What's it mean for something to be a mission field?
(a) How would it change the way you saw your school if you were to start viewing it as a mission field?
4. According to Doug, “Being part of a Christian community is important for a follower of Jesus.” (119) Do you agree or disagree? Why?
(a) (List) Why have you stayed connected to the church?
5. Doug gives this advice: “When you attend a school event, don't wear your Christian shirts and carry a big Bible.” (121) Describe your reaction to this. Is it really that big of a deal to wear your Christian t-shirts? Isn't that a cool way of sharing your faith with others?
6. Doug reminds us of the importance of welcoming newcomers at your school. He also then suggests, “Make sure you invite your new friends to your youth group.” (123) What keeps you from inviting friends to our youth ministry? How might inviting friends to our youth ministry change it?
Download this discussion as a PDF.
Get the Help! I'm a Student Leader discussion questions for Ch. 1-5 here.
Get the Help! I'm a Student Leader discussion questions for Ch. 6 here.
Get the Help! I'm a Student Leader discussion questions for Ch. 7 here.
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