What the book's about: The subtitle of Help! I'm a Student Leader accurately describes what this book is about - Practical ideas and guidance on leadership. It is written specifically for youth serving as leaders in a church context.
Why I read this book: Four years ago, I read this book with my student leadership team. It sparked amazing conversations with them about many issues related to leadership. This year, I chose to read it again with my student leadership team in hopes of equipping students to lead.
My favorite quotes from the book:
- "Instead of viewing your leadership role as a chance to exert power and voice your opinions, view it as an opportunity to serve."
- "As a leader you must have a positive attitude when ministry becomes difficult... which it will."
- "Knowing the purpose of each program will help you be less of a spectator and more of a leader who can leverage your peer relationships to help fulfill each program's purpose."
- "I'd rather you attempt to solve problems & make mistakes than not try at all."
Thumbs up or thumbs down? Thumbs up
Who I'd recommend this book for: Youth workers and their student leaders. Though students can certainly read this book on their own, I've found it especially useful for sparking thought-provoking discussions in and amongst my student leaders.
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