This summer, my student leaders & I read and discussed the book, Help! I'm a Student Leader by Doug Fields. Using the questions below, we had some incredibly powerful discussions about leadership and faith.
Questions about Ch. 6 of Help! I'm a Student Leader:
1. According to Doug, “a growing leader is required to discover how uniquely she's created and to discover how God wants to use her uniqueness to serve him.” (92) What are your gifts? How have you discovered them? As a leader in our youth ministry, how can you help others discover their gifts?
2. (Answer in pairs) According to Doug, “When others are involved in a ministry, they'll grow spiritually.” (94) Share how has this been true for you.
3. (Everyone Answers ) “Because you have more wealth than most of the world, you have something to offer others.” (97) What do you have to offer others in our youth ministry? In our congregation? In your school?
4. (Make a list) “Your job as a leader is to create different ways to expose others to big causes.” (98) What big causes do you care deeply about? Why do you think this is? How can we expose others to these big causes?
5. (Index cards) “I want you to think big – and I mean big, as in impossible big. It sounds goofy, but I'm talking about something so big it would be impossible to do without God's help.” (99) On the front of your index card, write down a big dream you have for our youth ministry that we cannot accomplish without God's help. On the back of your index card write down why your big dream is important to you and to our youth ministry. Then write a sentence explaining how our youth ministry would change for the better if your big dream were to come true. (Invite a few people to share their dreams with others).
6. “All student leaders should make it a priority to contact their peers within their youth ministry.” (100) Why's this important?
(a) (Note-Writing) Choose one incoming freshman. Write them a note that in some way, shows you care. Invite them to attend our youth ministry. (Ask each person who they're writing to; Ensure there are no repeats.)
Download this discussion as a PDF.
Get the Help! I'm a Student Leader discussion questions for Ch. 1-5 here.
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