I do not generally enjoy books on prayer.
Oh believe me, I've read my fair share – for small groups, class, and work.
But there tends to be something about these books that rub me the wrong way. Perhaps that's why even though I received Anne...
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What the book's about: In Daring Greatly , shame and vulnerability researcher Brene Brown explores what it means to show up and let ourselves be seen. In it, she distills her research into practices designed to help people be more vulnerable,...
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A few weeks ago, a dozen or so high school students sat in my living room and discussed Looking for Alaska by John Greene. This book chronicles the relationships between a group of teenagers living away from home at a boarding school. In many...
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Most in the youth ministry world are aware of both research and anecdotes suggesting millennials are leaving the church.
As a youth worker, this breaks my heart. I wholeheartedly believe you cannot be a solo Christian. The church is vital to our...
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Today, I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker‘s Five Minute Friday. The rules: Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
This week's prompt: Fly.
The first youth ministry I served was called FLY – an...
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When The Five Love Languages was all the rage, I bought a copy, thinking it would be a great book for my husband and I to read together.
True confession: We never did.
A decade later I can tell you – even without ever having read the book – that...
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In the last two weeks, an important conversation has been happening in the virtual world about women in the church.
The conversation erupted when popular evangelical blogger Rachel Held Evans tweeted:
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