For the next two weeks, we'll be talking about transformational moments in ministry: Moments that have transformed our faith or changed the way we do ministry. You'll hear from me today and over the the next two weeks, from several other women in...
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“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” - Brene Brown
Since choosing brave as my one word for 2013, I've been on the lookout for demonstrations of courage.
Recently, I saw several stunning displays of courage when I...
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What the book's about: As it's name suggests, this is a book about "the women we thought we knew". This book provides thoughtful, well-researched character sketches of 9 women in the Bible, with an additional chapter on Paul and the women of...
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When students lead discussions, sometimes they will exceed your expectations and sometimes, despite all your prayers and coaching, they will bomb.
The good news, however, is that regardless of how well a discussion goes, with proper processing,...
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When I tell people that students sometimes teach and lead discussions in my ministry, I often hear something like, “Must be nice. What did you do with all your time off that week?”
What people don't often realize is how much work it is to equip...
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I recently used appreciative inquiry to evaluate and reflect on our year of ministry with my student leaders. Among other things, I asked student leaders, “What are the most valuable aspects of our high school ministry?” and “How has our high...
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I still remember some of the early program evaluations I conducted with parents.
I went into these meetings excited, ready to reflect upon the program year and celebrate all that God did in and through our ministry. Inevitably, though, my...
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Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries has recently “been accused of deliberately excluding plus-size women from wearing its clothes by failing to make or sell womenswear in any size above Large.” According to Jeffries, “In every school there...
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Today I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker's 5 Minute Friday, in which we write for 5 minutes flat.
She sat across the table from me, fingers tapping wildly on the tabletop at a rate of a mile a minute.
Seconds later, this girl, normally so full...
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Unlike so many homes, mine was one in which we frequently discussed money.
In fact, money is still one of my dad's favorite topics. When it comes to money, he often runs past any semblance of social respectability and instead proceeds to ask...
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