Today, I'm linking up with Five Minute Friday. The rules: Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
This week's prompt: Way.

My congregation’s long-time senior pastor resigned unexpectedly in February, 2017....
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What I'm Reading:
Between our trip to Africa and my mission trip to Haiti, June was a SLOW month for fiction reading.
Book I couldn't put down: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I know, the...
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Dear Todd and Margo -
I admit, I don't know if these are actually your real names. They're likely not. But when we had the misfortune of meeting you tonight at dinner, you reminded my husband and I an awful lot of Todd and Margo Chester – the...
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Today, I'm linking up with Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday. The rules: Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
This week's prompt: Rest.

I woke up with a migraine yesterday, the worst I've had in a long...
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I like to think that I'm pretty good at communicating with the parents of teens in my youth ministry. I send out a weekly e-mail filled with details about upcoming events. I make sure to include announcements in our Sunday bulletin. I post updates...
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If you walk into my house, you'll notice stacks of books everywhere - evidence that I'm an avid reader.
Much to my dismay, I read fewer books this year than last. As my husband pointed out, though, I also wrote one so I guess I can't be too...
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As someone who both loves to travel and to write, I was excited to read Allison Vesterfelt's Packing Light: Thoughts on living life with less baggage.
Despite taking me a while to get into, I ended up thoroughly enjoying this book. In it,...
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What the book's about: Walking on Water is about the intersection of faith and art. It's not a "how-to" manual, but instead, a series of beautiful reflections about encountering God through art and about the divine inspiring art.
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What the book's about: Bird by Bird is a book about writing that encourages, challenges, and inspires writers. With Anne's typical wit & style, it offers strategies for writing as well as a reminder that in the end, writing is about more than...
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What the book's about: Once again, the subtitle of Wild Mind - Living the Writer's Life - is an accurate description of it. The book blends stories from Natalie's life with practical advice as well as exercises to try in your own...
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