2013 was a hard year for me; So much so that a large part of me just wanted it to be over.
In contrast with years past, I didn't want to linger there any longer, or to reflect upon it.
That said, after more than a decade in youth...
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My husband and I spent the week between Christmas and New Year's skiing in the Canadian Rockies. At one point, as we prepared to ski out of Sunshine Village, my husband joked that my backpack made me look like a skier about to head off into the...
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My husband and I were fortunate to have time off during the holidays this year. In addition to connecting with family and friends, traveling, skiing, and relaxing, I enjoyed using some of that time to reflect upon 2013. To that end, today, I'm...
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A few weeks ago, a dozen or so high school students sat in my living room and discussed Looking for Alaska by John Greene. This book chronicles the relationships between a group of teenagers living away from home at a boarding school. In many...
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There's a story in the Gospel of Matthew about a woman who hemorrhaged for twelve years.
It's not typically one we pay much attention to.
Why would we? In it's entirety, this woman's story comprises three verses. As with so many of her female...
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In the last several weeks, I've been ever so slowly working my way through Brene Brown's Daring Greatly . It's a book that's every bit as wonderful as everyone says it is.
Last week, I read the chapter on Vulnerability Armory and was struck...
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In February, I found out I was pregnant. Like so many other newly pregnant moms, I expected to be welcoming a baby into our house 9 months later - a few short weeks from now, actually.
Instead, I miscarried a few weeks later.
Since then, I've...
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As I've been reading the Bible in Margaret Feinberg's 40 Day Bible Reading Challenge, I've been struck by the physicality of our faith. Our Christian faith is one that's very much attached to people and places. It is physical, tangible, and real....
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In recent months, I've felt an inexplicable longing to immerse myself in Scripture.
I first noticed this several months ago, at the start of lent, when Margaret Feinberg challenged her readers to join her in being “Wonderstruck by Scripture” by...
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