Today, I'm linking up with Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday. The rules: Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
This week's prompt: Same.

You and I, we're different.
I was born in the United States. You...
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Sweet Girl -
This is the week of your baptism, an event which is a big deal to your dad and I.
Baptism is a strange thing for us... Something we both have some baggage with.
Our parents had each of us baptized when we were babies. Me at your...
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In junior high, I began accompanying my school's weekly chapel service on the piano. It was a way for me to use my gifts to serve and glorify God even as an introverted kid. It was also what made hours of practicing the piano start to feel worth...
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Truthfully, I imagined I'd be reading much more during my maternity leave than I actually am. Between my exhaustion and a steady-stream of visitors, I only read three fiction books this month: The Bright Side Of Disaster...
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Over the years, I've sat in a number of counseling workshops and classes. Inevitably at such places, we talk about the importance of establishing boundaries with the teens we serve as youth pastors. As part of this, trainers often suggest that you...
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As a young child, I much preferred playing with stuffed animals to playing house with dolls. As I grew older, I had far more dreams related to careers than motherhood. It took my husband several years to convince me that parenthood was something...
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As I've been breastfeeding, I've been binge watching Grey's Anatomy. I recently watched an episode in Season 5 in which Addison's brother, Archer, has worms in his brain – something that's clearly a very serious condition. In an attempt to save...
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I read three fiction books during April: Nora Roberts' The Liar, which was certainly not my favorite of her mysteries; David Baldacci's The Memory Man, which was fantastic; and Lisa Scottoline's Every Fifteen Minutes, ...
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Today, I'm linking up with Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday. The rules: Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
This week's prompt: Blue.

The first time I gazed into your blue eyes I was still on the...
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