Today, I'm linking up with Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday. The rules: Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
This week's prompt: Blue.
The first time I gazed into your blue eyes I was still on the operating table, awake with my stomach open. That's where you'd been, only moments before.
A c-section was not exactly what we'd planned for your birth but in the end, all that mattered was that you were finally here. After you were born, Daddy and our sweet nurse, Carolyn, went with you to the warming station so that you could be checked out by the neonatologist, who stopped by before leaving the OR to inform me, “She looks good! 10 fingers, 10 toes.” Despite the fact that I was still in surgery, for the first time all day, I breathed a deep sigh of relief. Even though every scary moment in our pregnancy had ended with the doctor reassuring us that you looked healthy, we still went into that operating room afraid.
After what felt like years but was, in reality, only minutes, they finally brought you to me. Daddy and nurse Carolyn laid you across my chest and I gazed into your eyes for the first time. They were a deep, dark shade of blue. Although I'm told you can't yet see well (let alone focus), I'm quite sure that in that moment, you locked eyes with mine and we fell in love.
Now, at 10 days old, I look into your blue eyes, wondering if they'll stay this shade, knowing that regardless of whether or not they do, I'll still be mesmerized by them. You see, Hope, you are intoxicating – not just for me but for our entire family. We cannot wait to see what the future holds - for you and for us. Together, we'll dream, play, laugh, learn, and grow. And in the meantime, we'll soak in every minute with you as we gaze into those deep, dark blue eyes.
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