Twice over the weekend, people told me that I should see The Good Lie, a 2014 movie starring Reese Witherspoon about some of the lost boys of Sudan – children who fled Sudan as refugees without either parent.
As someone who's stood in a refugee...
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I hate international mission trips.
Not all, but some.
More specifically, I hate international mission trips that plop teens down in an exotic location far from home and fail to make the connection between what goes on there and what goes on at...
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Today, I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker‘s Five Minute Friday. The rules: Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
This week's prompt: Mess.
I woke up this morning to a mess. The bathtub was filthy. Wet towels...
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I'm currently knee-deep in mission trip preparations for my team's 2014 trip to Rwanda. As part of this mission trip preparation, I'm working hard to shatter any Messiah complexes my team members might have.
That Messiah complexes exist in teens...
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Over the last two weeks, there has been extensive news coverage about the impact of the government shutdown on various services.
We've seen headlines about WWII veterans trying to visit a closed WWII monument in Washington DC; About frustrated...
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The other day, this tweet from People caught my attention:
Having grown to love Rwanda...
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For the past month, my suburban community has been slowly making improvements to our sewer system.
Truthfully, I don't exactly understand the details.

What I do understand is that when the Insituform truck arrives outside my house, it's going...
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