Which is better: Breadth or Depth?

Jen Bradbury
Nov 12 · 5 min read

Breadth Depth1

This fall in my youth ministry, we did a series on the attributes of God based on words that teens use to describe God that may or may not actually be accurate.

The last week of this series we discussed how, if at all, God resembles a genie. Doing so gave us the perfect opportunity to discuss prayer, something we talk about surprisingly little in our youth ministry.

All too aware of this, during this particular lesson, in order to try give teens an overview of prayer, I chose breadth rather than depth. As a result, we explored at least a dozen different Scripture passages on prayer, doing brief fly-bys over each, designed simply to acquaint teens with what the Bible says about prayer.

Afterward, as my adult leaders and I processed the night, a few expressed their frustration over the lack of depth in our conversation. You see, by skimming the surface of lots of passages, we were unable to dig deeply into any of them.

Of course, I made that choice intentionally.

Nevertheless, it came with at least two costs.

Read the rest of this article here.