Recent Reads: Interrupted and The Sacred Path Companion

Jen Bradbury
Jan 18 · 5 min read

Interrupted: An Adventure in Relearning the Essentials of Faith by Jen Hatmaker 

What the book's about: Jen's journey from being a pastor's wife immersed in the church world to a woman passionate about social justice and caring for the last, the least, and the forgotten. For Jen, this passion originated with a dangerous prayer, "Raise up in me a holy passion." God's answer to this prayer changed her family's life forever, causing them to step out in faith and plant a new kind of missional church.

Why I read this book: A good friend recommended it to me after it profoundly impacted her.

My favorite quotes from the book: "Love has won infinitely more converts than theology. The first believers were drawn to Christ's mercy long before they understood his divinity" and "The largest factor in feeling unfed is not feeding others".   

Thumbs up or thumbs down? Thumbs up. This book combines a good exploration of scripture with a compelling narrative. Jen also interjects humor throughout, causing me to frequently laugh out loud.

Who I'd recommend this book for: Christians tired of doing church the same old way.

The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform by Lauren Artress 

What the book's about: The subtitle of this book really is an accurate description of what it's about: It's a guide to walking labyrinths. Not only does the book explain what a labyrinth is and discuss the basic art of labyrinth walking, but it also provides directions for several specific ways to walk the labyrinth.

Why I read this book: My congregation recently purchased a labyrinth, which I used with the high school youth on our winter retreat. To prepare for this, I wanted to grow in my own knowledge of the history of the labyrinth as well as gain some ideas for specific uses for the labyrinth.

My favorite quotes from the book: "A maze is designed to make you lose your way and a labyrinth is designed to help you find your way."

Thumbs up or thumbs down? Thumbs up. This book is a quick, helpful guide to the labyrinth.

Who I'd recommend this book for: Anyone interested in walking or learning about labyrinths.