Today, I'm linking up with Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday. The rules: Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. This week's prompt: Meet.
Dear Baby Girl -
Yesterday, I was at work, discipling a teenager who I look forward to having in your life. We were at a local restaurant discussing prayer. As we got up to leave the old man sitting next to us stopped me and asked, “When are you due?”
When I told him “Two weeks!” he remarked to his friend, “I knew she must be getting close!”
And indeed we are. Technically, I'm full-term now which apparently means you could come at anytime.
I've spent the last week incredibly nauseous, something that's sometimes a sign of impending labor. Each time I've thrown up, I've thought to myself, “Maybe this means she's coming!”
You see, baby girl, daddy and I can't wait to meet you.
You are the baby we've longed for, wished for, hoped for, and prayed for. You are the baby others have done the same for – throughout this rocky, oftentimes scary pregnancy.
You've already been showered with love three times. In fact, sometimes I get a little weepy realizing just how loved you already are – by us, your grandparents, your family, our friends, and our extended community of faith.
In addition to being excited to meet you, we're also ready to meet you.
The car seat is installed.
The hospital bags are in the car.
Your nursery is ready. All it's missing is you.
Both daddy and I are as ready as we can be to step away from our jobs for a few weeks in order to welcome you into the world and get to know you.
We are, in every way, ready... Or at least as ready as we can possibly be.
We dream about what you'll look like (your dad is desperately hoping you don't inherit my stubby thumbs). But don't worry, I know he'll love you – stubby thumbs and all.
We can't wait to get to know your personality – especially since your antics already make us smile as you kick me relentlessly.
We look forward to being your guides as you discover the world around you and the God who created it.
So come out baby girl.
We're anxious to meet you – to hold you, rock you, kiss you, and cradle you with love.
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